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If you are unsatisfied with the product you purchased from us, you can get your money back, no questions asked.
Check FAQ for more detailsFrequently Asked Questions
For an easy-to-install theme/package, we have included step-by-step detailed documentation (in English). However, if it is not done perfectly, please feel free to contact the support team at support@imaksoft.com
You receive product updates, including bug fixes and new features for life.
Our technical experts are here to help you and your project succeed with our products. All requests and issues during the first six months will be processed by our experts within 24-48 hours.
You have 7 days to inspect your purchase and determine if it meets your expectations. In the event you wish to receive a refund it will be issued to you, no questions asked.
Yes. All images used in our live preview demos are copyrighted to their respective owners and are not usable without the respective owner's permission.
Yes, all of the Softwares on imaksoft.com can be used for commercial use.
Yes, all of the Softwares on imaksoft.com are fully customizable.
No additional costs are associated with using the Themes & Packages from imaksoft.com. Once you have purchased a template, you have the right to use it indefinitely.
Take your business to the next level with great website!
Feel free to reach out to discuss your next web design project.